Aspectos históricos da referência espacial do gesto

  • Ana Cristina C. Pereira


Este trabalho é parte da pesquisa de doutorado cujo tema foi o aspecto cognitivo
do gesto. Trataremos da importância do gesto e da intensificação de seu estudo nos últimos
quinze anos, envolvendo diversas áreas e representando o que se considera aqui as linhas
mais importantes de investigação dessa temática. Vimos também que os estudos atuais
conservaram vários princípios e parâmetros metodológicos históricos dos estudos iniciais,
evidenciando a grande preocupação histórica dos pesquisadores com as referências
espaciais dos gestos.


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BULWER, J. Chirologia: or the Natural Language of the Hand & Chironomia: or the art of manual rhetoric. [1644]. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. London: R. Whitaker, 1974.

DELAUMOSNE, L’Abbé et al. Delsarte system of oratory. 4. ed. New York: Edgar S. Werner, 1893. 606 p.

EFRON, D. Gesture and environment. New York: King Crown Press, 1941.

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FONCILLON, Henri. The life of form in Art. New York, 1948.

GOLDIN-MEADOW, S. Hearing gesture: how our hands help us think. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005.

GOLDIN-MEADOW, S.; ALIBALI, M.; CHURCH, B. Transitions in concept acquisition: using the hand to read the mind. Psychological Review, v. 100, p. 279-297, 1993.

IVERSON, J.; GOLDIN-MEADOW, S. Why people gesture as they speak. Nature, v. 396, p.228, 1998.

KENDON, A. Gesture: visible action as utterance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2005.

KENDON, A. How gestures can become like words. In: POYATOS, F. (Ed.) Crosscultural Perspectives in Nonverbal Communication. Toronto: C. J. Hogrefe, Publishers, 1988. p. 131-141.

KENDON, A. Gesticulation and speech: two aspects of the process of utterance. In: KEY, M.R. (Ed.) The Relationship of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. The Hague: Mouton and Co., 1980. p. 207-227.

KENDON, A. Some relationships between body motion and speech. An analysis of an example. In: SIEGMAN, A.; POPE, B. (Eds.) Studies in Dyadic Communication. Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press, 1972. p. 177-210.

KITA, S. Speech-accompanying gestures as a window into event conceptualization at the moment of speaking in adults and children. International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind. 2., 2004, London. Proceedings London: University of Portsmouth, 2004.

KITA, S. Pointing: Where Language, Culture, and Cognition Meet. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.

KITA, S. Language and thought interface: a study of spontaneous gestures and Japanese mimetics. Chicago: University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, 1993.

KITA, S.; ALIBALI, M.; YOUNG, A. Gesture and the process of speech production: we think, therefore we gesture. Language and cognitive processes, Psychology Press, v. 15 n. 6, p.593-613, 2000.

KITA, S.; ÖZYÜREK, A. What does cross-linguistic variation in semantic coordination of speech and gesture reveal? Evidence for an interface representation of spatial thinking and speaking. Journal of Memory and Language, v. 48, p. 16-32, 2003.

McNEILL, D. Gesture and Thought. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2005.

McNEILL, D. Hand and mind: what gestures reveal about thought. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

PATILLON, Michael. Éléments de Rhétorique Classique. França: Nathan Université, 1990.

PERRY, M.; CHURCH, R. B.; GOLDIN-MEADOW, S. Transitional knowledge in the acquisition of concepts. Cognitive Development, v. 3, p. 359-400, 1988. Disponível em:

<>. Acesso em: 22 mai. 2006.

RENGEL, Lenira. Dicionário Laban. 2. ed. São Paulo: Annablume, 2005. 124 p.

Pesquisa em Dança no Brasil: Processos e Investigações